Blog / Play - Learning Matters

Play - Learning Matters

Published April 23, 2024 |

Children are naturally curious. They want to know about the
world around them. They do this by watching, listening,
moving, talking, feeling, exploring and questioning. These
interactions and experiences often involve and emerge
through play.

Through play, children can discover their own interests,
abilities and limitations; they imagine, investigate and explore.
They develop memory skills, build vocabulary, learn new skills
and knowledge and learn how to collaborate with other
children and adults.

Play is an essential part of childhood and is the natural way at
Learning Matters. When children play, they:

  • Socialise
  • Communicate
  • Think creatively
  • Negotiate
  • Notice new things
  • Repeat favourite things
  • Overcome barriers and so much more!

Research and our experience have shown us that play supports
positive attitudes towards learning, providing a good
foundation for ongoing success at school and skills for
life-long learning.